What Is Considered a Good Conversion Rate in Affiliate Marketing?

  • If you’re new to affiliate marketing, one of the terms you will encounter is conversion rate. This refers to the percentage of potential customers who use your affiliate link to become paying customers. The conversion rate is important because it shows if the marketing technique you’re using is paying off or not. 

    A conversion rate of 2% and higher is considered good. However, even a 0.5% conversion rate is a good start. Getting your audience to use your affiliate link is no mean feat, so if you are getting a conversion, this is a sign for you to keep going until you get to your desired rate. 

    The media you use, the type of content, and audience size influence conversion rates. Some people have greater success with blogs, while others do very well with YouTube videos. The average conversion rates for are:

    • 0.5 - 1% - blogging.
    • 2% - email marketing.
    • 2 - 5% - YouTube

    These are just guidelines, so conversions vary from person to person. However, if you’re looking for the best medium to promote Luca's Gift affiliate program, you should determine which is likely to have the best influence on your audience and revenue.

    When starting, you can opt to focus on one channel, say blogging, and grow your content until you’re ready to expand to other marketing channels. There is a reason the most successful affiliate marketers use multiple channels to market affiliate programs. When you combine blogging, email marketing, and YouTube videos, you will have better affiliate conversions. 

    One of your responsibilities as an affiliate marketer is to keep track of the conversion rates. If you have 2000 people visiting your affiliate site and only 50 buy products using your affiliate link, then you have a conversion rate of 0.025%. You’ll have to find ways to increase sales. You can do this by driving more traffic to your site and getting more people to click your affiliate link.

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