How Do You Hint You Want a Specific Christmas Gift?

  • Although some people outrightly ask for what they want for Christmas, most people wait until they receive their gifts, whether they like them or not. Christmas gift etiquette requires you to appreciate whatever gift you receive, and rightly so. However, if you have a Christmas wish list, you can give hints to your loved ones so that they can get your preferred Christmas gifts. 

    I do it in multiple ways. The easiest is to leave hints on your computer. For example, you can leave your browser open when a member of your family comes into the room. If they are keen, they will notice you were looking at this custom sterling silver necklace. The only problem with this is the people around you have to be attentive, otherwise they may miss such subtle hints.

    You can also share Christmas gift ideas with your friends. Often, people turn to those closest to you to find out what you would like for Christmas. If you’re constantly talking about this long leather wallet but are yet to get it, one of your friends is likely to mention it. They may even opt to get it for you since you like it so much.

    You can also use social media to highlight your Christmas gift wish list. For example, you can use Facebook or Instagram stories to share the personalized Christmas gifts you have in mind. This way, your friends and family can have an idea of what you want. Unfortunately, there is the risk of duplication of gifts, so don’t be surprised if you receive the same gifts from different people.

    You can also tag your friends and family along when you’re out shopping. When you admire Christmas gifts openly, they’ll know what to get you.

    Please share other ways to give hints so that we can get the Christmas gifts we want.

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