Is Swag still a thing?

  • Swag or promotional products have been a staple in marketing strategies for decades. Despite the rise of digital advertising, in my experience swag continues to be a significant marketing tool.

    With items like personalized pens, tote bags or even tech gadgets, you can really create a tangible connetion between your brand and the recipient, that digital marketing simply cannot. A digital ad can be seen once and forgotten but swag can serve as a constant reminder of your company being used in daily life.

    In our world digital fatigue is real, so a physical promotional product can be refreshing. In my experience swag can be effective at events like trade shows and conferences, serving as marketing tool or even icebreaker. Marketing methods evolve, but the value of swag remains. Swag as corporate gifts can even boost employee loyalty and increase the sense of belonging among staff. Its ability to combine practicality with promoting your brand keeps swag relevant. You can use them at events or as part of direct mail campaigns, or as gifts to loyal customers, swag continues to make a significant impact. What do you think? What is your experience with swag? Is swag still a thing?

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